Friends of Rotary
The primary role of "Friends of Rotary” is an alternative option for membership and is for those who would like to support the ideals of Rotary but in a less formal way. A number of people have started as “Friends of Rotary” and gone on to become full members.
A “Friend of a Rotary Club” is invited to participate in the activities of the Club under the following conditions:
Sponsored by a current Member and approved by the Board for 12 months.
Encouraged to attend meetings whenever possible, and support social and official functions run by the Club, and its fundraising and volunteer activities.
Encouraged to offer ideas and have an input (through their Rotarian Sponsor) in the development and promotion of the functions and ideals of the Club for the local community and humanitarian projects.
If you are interested in becoming a Friend of Rotary for Gawler Light:
Please email your details to